Category Archives: Kick the habit of smoking

Why do people smoke cigarettes

Why do people smoke cigarettes

Why do people smoke cigarettes is the first obvious question to ask one self when considering the many health risks that are associated with smoking. Smoking is a serious health hazard.  It is common human response when life is going happily that human looks for comfort to sooth the emotions that are screaming out for relief of emotional pain. Therefore emotional reason, in my opinion, is the number one reason why many people start smoking cigarettes in the first place.  The second reason in my opinion is because the adults do it, the tough guys smoke cigarettes, the role models often smoke cigarettes, the big brothers smoke cigarettes, the mums and dads smoke cigarettes to there must be something positive and desirable in it? But in reality it is a big fat lie, it is a weakness of the human mind, spirit and soul to be doing engaging in something that is a serious health hazard as cigarette smoking is.

Why do people smoke cigarettes
Optician or optometrist pointing at Snellen eye exam chart. Woman eye doctor wearing glasses with a big smile on her bright face.

Learning the Reasons Many People Smoke

Trying to quit smoking is not easy, learning the exact reason why you actually smoke is often critical to the success of the project. If you discover the exact reason why you are smoking it can make it so much easier to actually determine how to find the success that you need, in order to quit for good. Simply trying to quit for reasons that do not pertain to your situation will leave you upset and frustrated. You are likely to feel as if you are nothing more than a failure, and your overall situation is not likely to be impressive at all. However, if you take the time to discover why you specifically smoke, you will be surprised at just how much easier it is to stop.

Many people smoke for a wide range of reasons. They can range from something as innocent as smoking when you are depressed, stressed or when you just want a quick pick me up. The idea that smoking a cigarette will make your projects go away is an innocent idea, but in reality, it is completely incorrect. Typically, what is actually beneficial is the fact that you are able to take a few brief moments out of your life to see exactly what is going on. One such example is those who work at a stressful job, looking forward to your next cigarette break is often going hand in hand with trying to break away from the stress for a few brief moments. Learning how to cut down the stress at work can be very helpful to cutting down the number of cigarettes you need as well.

Other reasons that many people smoke is due to being under the impression that they will not be able to smoke. This comes back to the old idea that you are never hungry at night except for the night before a medical test when you are not allowed to eat after 8p.m. Suddenly that very night you are positively starving and think that your doctor is punishing you badly for some reason. The same thing happens to smokers. If you are going somewhere and you think you will not be able to smoke, the urge to smoke may be much stronger. This often has nothing to do with actually needing or even wanting to smoke. It is nothing more than a mental game that we play with ourselves.

Why do people smoke cigarettes ? Is because they have false information in life

Many smokers find that they are ?only interested in smoking if they are bored. Having nothing to do leads to idle hands, which can easily create problems. Learning how to keep yourself busy is not easy, but trying to avoid boredom can often go a very long way in the battle to stop smoking. Taking the time to create a schedule for yourself that you can keep, without leaving too much down time is important. If you pack your schedule with too much, you will create stress, which could cause you to smoke even more, if you have too much free time you could become bored which can also lead to smoking more. A properly balanced schedule will ensure that you are productive without stressing.

A final consideration that you need to take into account is getting plenty of sleep. Many people smoke because they need a pick me up in the middle of the day. Finding yourself in this position is not good. Avoid staying up excessively late whenever possible. Even going to bed early once a week can add up to reducing the sleep shortage that you are experiencing. As lives are increasingly busy, it is quite easy to forget how important sleep really is. This can create a huge need to do something, almost anything to actually stay awake. Avoid smoking and ensure that you are getting the rest you really need. This simple step alone can help you to cut your smoking by as much as half if you are dedicated to getting the sleep that your body really needs to survive.

This article Why do people smoke cigarettes was published on the website in the interest of good health and lifestyle. I hope this was informative, helpful and useful. Please share this website link with your friends, thanks.