Russia Blocks United Nations Security Council Draft Resolution On Ukraine

UN Security Meeting 26 February 2022

A veto against international law

After voting in favour of the resolution, France’s Ambassador, Nicolas de Rivière, said that Russia’s “premediated aggression” is killing civilians and destroying infrastructure with goal of rebuilding the Russian empire.

While other members expressed their commitment to international law, Russia vetoed it.

“Russia is alone,” he observed, adding that “within the UN and in all bodies, France will continue to mobilize with its partners to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”

Russian Leaders Strategic 2022 Chessboard

“Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya said that he would not respond to those who had accused him of abusing his country’s veto power.”

“He accused the draft’s sponsors of “spinning tales” about the true situation in Ukraine, including Western allies’ attempts to cover up the fact that they had been flooding the Donbas with weapons.”

“You have made Ukraine a pawn in your own game… this resolution is nothing other than yet another brutal, inhumane move on this Ukrainian chessboard,” he said.

Indeed, the situation is being exploited by political and media outlets, he said, citing examples of the “height of propaganda”, including the misuse of images from Donbas to portray what was being referred to as Russian aggression.” 

Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya Calls International Reports of Russian artillery impacting Ukraine “Fake”.

Speaking to the representatives of France, the UK and US, he said that there was no verifiable confirmation about the death of Ukrainian civilians; that photographs of supposed Russian artillery “is fake”; and that reports of attacks on civilian infrastructure were untrue.

Moreover, with its history of aggressions against other countries, the United States was “in no position to moralize.”

‘Application For A seat in Hell’

“Ukraine Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya asserted that he would not dignify the “diabolical script” read by the Russian Ambassador, which was in fact “a rather detailed application for… a seat in Hell.”

He recalled that during the Security Council’s discussions on the situation in Ukraine earlier in the week, Russia had begun bombing his country and sending forces across the border, including through Belarus.

Kremlin Regime

Therefore, he was not surprised that Russia voted against the UN draft resolution text, he said, denouncing the actions of “the Kremlin regime.”

Mr. Kyslytsya asked the Council to remember how many times the Russian Ambassador said that his country would not invade or bomb Ukraine. But after what had happened in recent days, “how can we trust you? You have no idea what is in the mind of your President,” he declared.

The Ukraine Ambassador also noted that according to the rules of procedure, the Russian Ambassador should not have been presiding over a meeting of which his country was the subject.

Silent moment for peace

The Ukraine Ambassador asked the Council to dedicate a moment of silence “for peace… and to pray for the souls of those that have already been or may be killed”, inviting the Russian Ambassador to “pray for salvation.”

This was followed by solemn applause throughout the Chamber.

Noting that nothing could justify the bombing of hospitals and kindergartens –considered war crimes under the Rome Statute – he said that Ukraine was collecting evidence to send forward to the International Criminal Court (ICC)

A ‘Principled Stand’ – US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield

“Introducing the draft resolution, which her country had helped craft, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield painted a picture of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that was “so bold, so brazen,” that it threatens the international system “as we know it.”

“We have a solemn responsibility not to look away,” she said stressing that Russia must be held accountable, and its forces immediately, completely and unconditionally withdrawn.

“Today we are taking a principled stand in this Council,” Ms. Thomas-Greenfield said. “There is no middle ground,” responsible States do not invade their neighbours.

Can’t Veto Accountability

After the text was defeated, Ms. Thomas-Greenfield took the floor again.

“You can veto this resolution, but you cannot veto our voices; You cannot veto the truth; You cannot veto our principles; You cannot veto the Ukrainian people; cannot veto the UN Charter…and you will not veto accountability,” she underscored.

The US Ambassador said that despite the actions of a “reckless, irresponsible” Member State, the United States will continue to stand with Ukraine against Russia’s aggression.


Department of US Justice 2020 Elections

Department of Justice has reached out to clarify its position on Election fraud.

It states, it has no passed final judgment, and any media outlets saying otherwise are mistaken.

The Department of Justice Issued a Statement on Tuesday in response to a backslash from an article by the Associated Press; Attorney General William Barr was quoted as saying, “to date, we have not seen fraud on the scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.

CBS Reported on the DOJ response, some media outlets have incorrectly reported Barr statement…………………

Watch the DOJ Speaks Out video

Dealing with Stress at the Computer in 2019

Dealing with Stress at the Computer in 2019

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Asthenopia, better known as eyestrain, is a massive problem for the computer user. There is a cause-and-effect relationship between eyestrain and undesirable symptoms including fatigue, headache, and neck pain — all stress-inducing conditions.

You are not Bruce Wayne. You should not be conducting your day-to-day Operations in a room that resembles a bat cave. Having the right amount and the right kind of lighting is of paramount importance. Eliminating glare and other sources of eyestrain will pay dividends in regards to work productivity. The eyes play an important role in matters of stress. When you are tired or feeling irritable, it is usually your eyes that give this away.

Your bedroom or home office should contain enough light to enable you to work effectively. Too much light is as bad as too little light. Whether your primary source of light is natural light or artificial light is immaterial — after all, you may prefer working the owl shift. However, for artificial light, you may find that fluorescent lights are better on your eyes than are incandescent bulbs and last longer to boot.

Glare is the big gorilla in the room when it comes to causes of eyestrain. Be  sure to eliminate sources of direct glare, which is light shining directly into your eyes, along with sources of indirect glare, which is light reflecting off a computer screen. Some monitors have an anti-glare coating as a design feature, whereas for other monitors, an anti-glare screen may come in handy, provided that screen readability is not sacrificed in the process. Configuring your computer to use a light-colored desktop wallpaper can often quickly remedy the amount of glare.

A close relative of glare is any form of high contrast. This includes everything from the foreground and background colors of the digital documents you read to the color combinations of your furniture. Yet lack of color variety can be a source of eyestrain too. Often there is very little you can do to remedy high contrast or low color variation, though if you do find yourself pulling out the paint kit, consider using light pastel colors for your walls, since occupational psychologists believe these colors have a calming effect.

Few things in the office are more irritating than flickering light bulbs or computer monitors. Replace all such light bulbs immediately, and have your flickering or dim monitor serviced or replaced — though with flickering monitors, sometimes simply increasing the refresh rate is enough to stop the flickering. Have a tech-head friend or relative adjust your brightness and contrast settings appropriately, since there are not any good rules of thumb that cover all monitors out there. While you are at it, consider setting your monitor resolution to 800×600, which is believed to be the best setting for the eyes.

What you are reading should be legible without undue exertion. Small fonts, exotic typefaces, and poorly scanned documents are some of the many hassles that plague the computer user. It is often possible to use an OCR program on poorly scanned documents to extract text and transform it into something more readable.

It is common sense that facing a monitor directly is the way to go. Rather than pull out a ruler to measure twenty inches between your screen and your eyes, just sit as far away from the monitor as possible, with an arm length or so being the minimum. Opinions vary on whether your eyes should be in line with the top of the screen, slightly below the top, or slightly above the top. Do what feels right for you, though most experts (but not all) seem to agree that looking above the horizontal is more tiring to the eyes than looking below the horizontal.

Do not tire out your eyes by focusing on any one thing too long. Take an eye break approximately every twenty minutes for a couple of minutes, and include some looking into the distance. You may find that cupping your palms over your closed eyes for a few moments is very soothing. On the other hand, while you are working, do not arrange your material such that you are continually switching focus between a near and a far object, since this too can tire out
your eyes. Get a document holder that can be positioned next to your monitor.

Finally, low humidity leads to dry eyes and, in turn, eyestrain. So do air currents.  Look out for your eyes and they will keep looking out for you — literally.


Thank you for visiting www. website and reading this Dealing with Stress at the Computer in 2019 article post. For more similar articles visit

New Year’s Resolutions: Plan Ahead of Time 2018

New Year’s Resolutions: Plan Ahead of Time 2018

With the New Year quickly approaching, you may be ready to start brainstorming ideas for your New Year’s resolution. This is a good idea, you don’t have to if you don’t want to? All personal trainers and motivators encourage people to plan well and to be organized.
Yes, that is the best way to make health-related lifestyle changes stick for good.
Why should I plan ahead of time?

1 – New Year’s is a stressful time.

The New Year is right after the holidays. Many people gained weight from eating holiday foods, spent too much money on Christmas gifts, and so forth. Yes, you may want to change now, but you are more likely to succeed when you don’t rush and give it time.

After the holidays, you have so much on your plate. In fact, you may have too much. You may find it overwhelming to make a New Year’s resolution, let alone try to keep one. This is where it is important to remember that New Year’s resolutions are designed to improve lives and reduce stress, not create more.

2 – You do not have to rush.

Many people make New Year’s resolutions because they feel like they have to. There is no law saying you have to create a goal for the New Year or that you have to make your goal right away. If you are serious about improving your life or making a change, think about a resolution before deciding on one. Don’t wait until someone asks you at 11:30 on New Year’s Eve. Instead, plan ahead or wait until the time is right for you to make yours.

3 – Poor weather isn’t getting you down.

Most areas of the United States, with a few exceptions, experience poor weather conditions during the first of the year. Depending on where you live, the New Year and the month of January may greet with your wind, snow, ice, freezing rain, and cold temperatures. The weather impacts our body and emotions in a number of different ways. You are more likely to stick with a goal when your mind and body are in the right mind frames. For most, winter is not that time.

For example, are you overweight? If weight loss is your New Year’s resolution, you may have trouble in the winter. If you avoid gyms, you are essentially left with the option of exercising in your home. If you wait until the weather is nicer, it will be easier for you to lose weight. You are provided with fresher, in season vegetables, and beautiful weather for walking or exercising outdoors.

4 – No pressure from friends and family.

Since most individuals celebrate the New Year with friends and family, you will have those around you asking about your New Year’s resolution. If you aren’t ready to make one, say so. Most will understand. With that said, resolutions are often scrutinized. So, do you want to lose weight, but only have about ten pounds to shed? If so, you will hear about it from others. This pressure may cause you to change your New Year’s resolution, but it shouldn’t. You only need to worry about you and you alone. For that reason, wait until the pressure is off.

5 – Because you can!

As previously stated,  New Year’s resolutions are optional. Although they are a good thought and a nice way to create a life-changing goal, they are not required by any means. This means that not only can you not make a resolution, but you can make it anytime you want. So, if you want to wait do so because you can.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why you should hold off on making a New Year’s resolution. Of course, you don’t have to. A New Year’s resolution is not a race. You can make a resolution and not start working on it for a few months. However, why not just opt for a springtime or summer resolution? If it is easy for you, then do it!

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Overcoming Nicotine Addiction for Good

Overcoming Nicotine Addiction for Good

In order to really quit smoking it is necessary to break the chains of bondage that smoking creates in your life. If you are addicted to smoking purely due to the nicotine addiction you are certainly not alone. This is one of the biggest reasons why smokers continue to smoke. It is also one of the reasons why the tobacco company sits around confidently while the economy struggles and people are cutting back. If you are addicted to their product, you are not going to cut back. In fact, if you are addicted you may find that you are using the product even more. This creates huge profits for the tobacco companies and leaves you with a huge problem as you are struggling to get your addiction under control.

Overcoming Nicotine Addiction for Good
freedom to be healthy

What is really surprising is the fact that people will have sympathy for someone who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling and a plethora of other addictions. However, sympathy tends to stop at the idea of being addicted to cigarettes. This is a stigma that has affected society in a way that people are often laughed at for saying that they are addicted to cigarettes. Yet, the fact remains that people are in fact addicted. Learning how to control the addiction is critical to success, after all those who are addicted to drugs rarely ever just quit cold turkey successfully.

You need to realize that you are addicted to smoking and that the reason is typically due to nicotine. The exact manner that you get the nicotine is not important. What is important is avoiding the harmful effects on your body that smoking has. If you need to slowly cut back your nicotine consumption you are not alone, and to prove it there are dozens of stop smoking aids on the market. Several even offer small dosages of nicotine to help smokers deal with their nicotine addiction while still working to quit smoking. Looking towards products such as nicotine gum or even the patches may be your only help in quitting.

While there are plenty of tricks such as breathing exercises, magnets, and other stop smoking aids that you can use, many are not designed for people actually addicted to the nicotine. What you may not realize is that the bulk majority of smokers have become dependent on the nicotine to one extent or another. While some smokers rely much more on the nicotine than others, they are still addicted to an extent. It is important to break this dependence in order to actually be successful at quitting smoking. This is not an easy process, and it must be done carefully.

If you are not careful in the process of breaking your nicotine addiction, you could actually make things worse. For example, the nicotine gum and the patches come in different dosage levels. These levels coincide with the amount that you smoke. The intended purpose is to start at the level that you typically smoke at and slowly decrease the amount of nicotine that you consume each day. Slowly over time, your addiction would be gone, however, to crush this instantly you would just need to use a stronger gum or patch than you need for your smoking habit. One pack a day smoker could create far more problems for themselves if they used the gum or patch intended for those who smoke two packs a day for example.

Being sure that you are using the proper dosages is critical. Ensuring that you are taking your time and carefully dealing with your nicotine addiction is very important as well. If you have the support of your friends, family, and co-workers, you will have a much greater success rate. Just as those recovering drug addicts take things a single day at a time, you need to do the same for your nicotine addiction. Simply rushing out and attempting to quit could create a huge self-esteem problem and you fail to control the addiction to nicotine. Going slow and accepting your problem will set you up for a much higher success rate and improve your overall health much faster.

Thank you for visiting Healthy Eye Vision 2020 website and taking the time to read these articles on Overcoming Nicotine Addiction for Good.  I hope this was informative and helpful in your effort to stop smoking.  Or perhaps gathering information towards helping a friend, partner or a family member.  Also, do visit for more info on the same subject.

There is a way out of cigarette addiction, it is a journey.  It takes the entire being to be working as a unit, no room for double-mindedness. Start getting information on what healthy living looks like, what it smells like, and feels like. By spending time outdoors in the fresh air can be a good start in discovering reality, as it is on the planet earth. Living things need fresh oxygen,  clean air, sunlight, soil and nutrients, warmth and clean water. Learn from nature, there is logic and rationality to natural living and healthy lifestyle. Start imitating it, start doing it, by learning from the world of the living plants.       

Truth is powerful with knowledge, knowledge is the power to those that understand it.  Spiritual power is also needed to overcome addiction. Free will is a beautiful thing, it should be used for health, to choose health over poor choices.  Getting the brain in gear means to stop spinning the wheels of indecision.  If you lack knowledge then you should pray, those that genuinely seek God will find answers to their questions. Does it lead to understanding the human experience, why people are drawn to addictions? Do they even think about what they are doing? Will it make any difference? Of course, decisions have consequences. Choose health and you will be closer to health. Choose to exercise and you will be stronger. Choose to eat healthy foods and you will feel better. Choose to spend active time outdoors and you will be closer to the reality of life on the planet earth. People that do not think will lose out big time. Life on the planet is big, it is huge if only people would open their minds and spirit to allow life to enrich them with good health and well being.  Thank you for taking the time.

Carbohydrates the Essential Energy Source

Carbohydrates the Essential Energy Source

Most athletes know and realize just how important it is to get the proper nutrients however many athletes are being drawn to the idea of using low carbohydrate diets as a way to help control weight. Needless to say, the sports medicine field is quite alarmed at this recent trend. The number of athletes that are starting to use low carbohydrate diets is alarming in recent years. Even scarier is the fact that these diets can cause harsh long-term complications such as making weight loss even harder.

Carbohydrates the Essential Energy Source Explained

Carbohydrates are the essential energy source that all athletes need in order to maintain the stamina to work out. Without this vital energy, it is much easier for injuries to occur from exhaustion as well as body strain. This is never an advisable outcome, but sadly, it occurs much more often in recent years. A proper diet for an athlete involves consuming quite a few carbohydrates.

Typically, the amount of carbohydrates that are required to be consumed by athletes is much higher than the amount required for people who are sedative. The proper amount of carbohydrates that each athlete needs varies greatly with some requiring much more than others. To determine the exact amount of carbohydrate consumption that you should personally aim for it is important to talk to your sports medicine doctor.

Carbohydrates the Essential Energy Source

There are times when athletes are especially encouraged to increase their carbohydrate intake, this is especially common during tournaments, competitions and if you are engaging in more than one sport at the time. This is to ensure that your body has enough energy to handle the rigors that you are placing upon it during especially strenuous activities. In addition, there are other times when your doctor may recommend cutting back carbohydrate consumption, however, all serious adjustments to your diet should be carefully monitored by your sports medicine team to ensure that you are getting the proper nutrients.

As the number of fad diets appearing on the markets increases, it is especially important to listen to what your doctor says about your diet. Athletes are recommended to store as much as 15 grams per kilogram of body weight in the form of carbohydrates. This translates into as much as 15 grams for every 2.2 pounds. For an average 180-pound athlete this translates into as much as 1227 grams of carbohydrates.

In terms of how carbohydrates are related to calories, it is easiest to use the following conversion. One gram of carbohydrates translates into four calories of energy. This means that for our example of the 180-pound athlete, the 1227 grams of carbohydrates they should consume would equal as much as 4909 calories. This is an enormous number for most people; however, there are some athletes that would require higher calorie intake while other would be able to handle much lower intake levels. Ultimately, it is up to you working with your doctor to determine the best level of your individual needs.

Remember, cutting back on carbohydrate levels can be quite damaging to the body. If your body is not consuming enough carbohydrates, then the body starts using protein as energy. This can be dangerous because protein is designed to help fuel your muscles and provide the muscle mass for the body, rather than simply providing energy for the body. The end result for many who are not consuming enough carbohydrates is an overall weakened condition and less energy to actively engage in the sport of their choice.

An important consideration is who is giving you the advice on your dietary needs. Many coaches do not always know the most up to date nutrition information. This makes it highly risky to simply take a coaches word about how much you should be consuming each day in calories and carbohydrates. In order to achieve the best results possible, you can consult with your coach as well as your doctor to work out the best possible solution that has both your fitness goals, athletic goals and your health goals in mind.

Keeping your own personal health as the top priority is vital to ensure you are as healthy as possible. Remember, it is sometimes necessary to adjust your carbohydrate consumption, however; it should always be done with a doctor’s supervision to ensure that you are not potentially damaging your body or your overall health. Your physical safety is a much greater consideration that reducing your carbohydrate intake.

Thank you for visiting this website and reading this Carbohydrates the Essential Energy Source article. If you enjoy reading articles about Work From Home Online, then please do visit website

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Combating Muscle Fatigue

Combating Muscle Fatigue

Athletes from amateur to professional level all experienced muscle fatigue at some point. The people who tend to suffer the most, however, are surprisingly those who are less active. Many regard professional athletes as much more likely to have complications with muscle fatigue, however in terms of how the muscles use energy those who are less active than professionals are at a distinct disadvantage.

It is very important to understand that when you are working out, you are slowly wearing down the muscles and burning all of the energy that is provided to the muscles as well. Because of the energy that the muscles burn not being able to be replaced into the muscle quite as quickly as it is burned this causes muscle fatigue to become a problem. Sports medicine professionals are all well known in exactly how to help professional athletes reduce the problems they experience from muscle fatigue.

Combating Muscle Fatigue Explained

In order to really combat the problems of muscle fatigue and keep it from happening, it is important to train the body to supply energy faster. Muscles receive energy in two different forms. The first is from oxygen, which creates aerobic metabolism; this is simply the process of creating adenosine triphosphate from oxygen. The other method is anaerobic metabolism, which is generated from stores of energy that are stored in the muscles themselves.

The problem that occurs most often in muscle fatigue is that anaerobic metabolism does not store huge amounts of energy and aerobic metabolism is a slower method to deliver energy to the muscles. This creates a problem for many people and results in them suddenly experiencing muscle fatigue. Professional athletes and those who are highly active are trained to help their bodies deliver energy from oxygen, which is the aerobic metabolism.

Combating Muscle Fatigue
Muscle structure

By training the body to efficiently and effectively deliver larger amounts of oxygen to the body it is possible to increase quickly the amount of energy that the muscles have available to use. This reduces the risk of muscle fatigue and allows a workout to continue for much longer. However, it takes several weeks or even months to train the body to effectively speed the flow of oxygen enough to keep from experiencing muscle fatigue based solely on a supply of aerobic metabolism.

In addition to learning ways to improve the flow of energy, it is also important for athletes to learn ways to reduce the use of muscles as much as possible to conserve energy. It is vital that energy management be controlled for athletes because without the control management many athletes would find themselves unable to workout or even complete their workout. This is never an advisable situation for any athlete; however, it can occur quite often.

In order to combat the symptoms and maximize the benefits of muscle energy, it is important to work with your sports medicine physician as well as your trainer to ensure you are training your body to be as effective as possible. If you are careful and work closely with your trainer, coach, and sports medicine doctor you can gather the best ways to encourage your body to conserve energy, while still increasing the flow of aerobic metabolism to your muscles.

Working towards an appropriate training method will help ensure that your muscles are as strong as possible and greatly reduce the risk of having a problem with muscle fatigue. There is plenty of professional help who can assist you in creating the best training plan possible to strengthen the muscles. Providing the maximum amount of energy to your muscles possible is the best thing you can do in order to ensure you stay as healthy as possible, with as little risk of injury as possible.

It is very important that you always discuss any concerns that you have with your doctor or coach. They can assist you in assuring that you take the proper precautions to ensure your body is carefully trained. If you have any doubts about your overall health, it is essential to talk to your doctor immediately.

Thank you for visiting this website and reading this Combating Muscle Fatigue article. If you enjoy reading articles about Healthy Eye Vision, then please do visit website

There is also a FaceBook page with the same name. Please do share your generous like for Natural Eye Vision Program. Thanks!


Mountain Biking Safety Tips

Mountain Biking Safety Tips

Mountain Biking Safety Tips article post is intended to be a quick guide for anyone to get a start on mountain biking and safety.

There are numerous ways that you can improve your
mountain bike safety. Many riders will tell you
that wearing a helmet is the most important step to
staying safe. The second most important step is
that you should always ride in control of your
mountain bike.

Mountain Biking Safety Tips
Mountain biking recreational fun time an fitness.

Mountain Biking Safety Tips explained

By riding in control you’ll not only prevent crashes but
keep others on the trail safe as well. When
riding out of control you loose the ability to
adjust to the terrain as you ride over it. This can
and usually does result in serious injury to yourself
and others.

Follow these helpful guidelines and you’ll remain
safe when riding your mountain bike.

Mountain Biking Safety Tips – Gear

Always make sure that you wear a helmet and other
necessary safety gear for the conditions that you
plan to ride in.

Never ride beyond your control

There is never any shame in walking the areas of
the trail that you don’t feel comfortable in riding
and you should never let anyone else tell you that
there is.

Keep your speed under control

Always make sure you keep your speed at a level
where you can quickly adjust to any obstacles or
change in the trail.

Mountain Biking Safety Tips – Knowing your trail
You should never push the limits on trails that you
aren’t familiar with. You should take trails you
aren’t familiar with at slow speeds until you learn
them better.

Slow down around blind corners

If you can’t see past a corner you should always
slow down, as you never know who or what is around it.

Start small then go big

Work your way up to stunts or obstacles. Practice in
less difficult or dangerous situations before you
move up to something more dangerous.

Playing it smart

If you start to question what your doing, you probably
shouldn’t be doing. Always think about what you are
doing and go with your instincts.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Mountain Biking Safety Tips article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

Get Bike Get Life

Get Bike Get Life

Get bike get life article post is intended to motivate readers to get physically active on a mountain bike, and in so doing they will help themselves improve their level of fitness. Mountain bike riding is a fantastic way to get physically active, the rewards of mountain biking are immediate,  because when you do take the effort to find a suitable location for trail riding they you will participate in the outdoors activity straight away, enjoying the outdoors fresh air, the beautiful scenery, the scents of the clean environment and good feelings generated by the dynamic activity of mountain bike riding.

Buying A Mountain Bike

It can be a bit frustrating as well as time-consuming
when you buy a mountain bike. Below, you’ll find
some tips and things to be aware of before you lay
down the cash and buy a mountain bike.

Get Bike Get Life
Woman’s Diamondback Mountain bike.

Get Bike Get Life – Determining your bike cost

There is really no limit as to how much money you can
spend on a new mountain bike. To help you keep your
spending under control, you should figure out what
your price range is and how much your willing to pay
for a new bike. When you buy, you shouldn’t buy from
mass merchant stores such as Wal-Mart. You should
instead support your local bike shop and get a much
better bike and much better service.

Finding your preferred mountain bike riding style

All mountain bikes are designed with several different
riding styles and terrain types in mind. You’ll need
to figure out what type of riding you will be doing
the most. Smooth riding, cross country racing,
mountain cruising, or lift accessed downhill is
something you need to figure out. Make sure that
the bike you select fits your personal style and not
that of the sale’s staff.

Full suspension or hardtail

If you can afford it, a full suspension mountain-bike is always worth the purchase. A hardtail,
without rear suspension, is much lighter weight
and pedal more efficiently, although full suspensions
offer more comfort and overall better control. You’ll
want to make that decision based on your price range,
riding style, and the type of terrain you’ll be
riding on the most.

Finding your favorites

Comparing mountain bikes component to component is
nearly impossible, as there are far too many combinations
available. The best way to go about doing this is
finding a few components that are the most important
to you and making sure the rest or the minimums fall
within your price range. You can start with the fork
then look at the wheels and rear derailleur.

Sales and seasons

During the year, the prices of mountain bikes can
fluctuate quite a bit. Spring through summer is the
main buying season. If you can wait until the right
price pops up, normally in the fall and winter, you can
save a couple hundred dollars. Many bike shops will
also offer discounts or other accessories if you buy
from them.

Finding a good dealer

Finding a good bike dealer is more important than finding
the best price. You should always find a dealer that
cares more about selling you a great bike than selling you
a high priced one. A great dealer will have a clean repair
shop and give you the impression that you can really
trust them.

Get Bike Get Life  – Test ride

You should test ride as many bikes as you can within
your price range and riding style. You’ll find that
some bikes will feel right, while others won’t. The more
bikes you can test drive, you better you’ll understand
what works and what doesn’t.

Doing the research

Product reviews and bike reviews are some of the best
ways to find out about a mountain bikes reliability and
overall performance. You should always look at what
other owners and reviews think about a bike before you
make that final purchase.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Get Bike Get Life  article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

Things To Take With You Outdoors

Things to take with you outdoors

Things to take with you outdoors adventure with hiking with a mountain bike, open mountain fresh air can really do wonders with your entire being, humans are spiritual beings designed to be physically  healthy and free.  One way to experience the spiritual freedom is to go outdoors in the open space of the fresh air mountains, and to live the moment, naturally under the stars of the entire universe.

Things to take with you outdoors
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Things to take with you outdoors adventure

When you decide to go mountain biking on a long days
ride, there are several things that you should take
with you. Below, you’ll find the essentials that
you should have with you.

Things to take with you explained

1. Back pack – a camel back or mule is a good idea here.
2. Waterproof – the type that packs down very small is
the best to have.
3. Water – you need at least 2 liters for a long ride.
4. Food – sandwiches and energy bars are the best to
have with you to eat.
5. Pump – take a good one with you, as the small mini
pumps are a waste of time and money.
6. Tire levers if you need them.
7. Two small inner tubes.
8. A piece of medium emery paper about 3 inches long
and an inch wide.
9. A cut up tube of Crest for pinch punctures or to use
as a tire boot.
10. A carpet needle.
11. A card of linen thread to repair torn tires.
12. A good chain splitter
13. At least two black pins. You should tape these
to the inside lid of your puncture repair kit.
14. A set of allen wrenches. The penknife style is
the best to get.
15. A small screwdriver.
16. A first aid kit that includes an elastic bandage.
17. A Spokey spoke key.
18. A felt tip pen that will show on inner tubes.
19. Some lunch and phone money.

If you take the above with you, you should have no
problems with long mountain bike rides. Everything on
the above list will serve a purpose, all you have to do
is give them a chance. If you’ve ever been mountain
biking and ran into problems in the past, you should
know first hand just how important the proper supplies
can actually be.

Different Types of Mountain Bikes

With mountain biking being a very popular sport,
there are many bikes to choose from. Depending
on what type of riding you like, the style of
bikes you can choose from will vary. Below, you’ll
find tips on the different types of bikes available.

1. Cross country

Almost all mountain bikes will fit into this category.
Cross country mountain bikes are light weight, making
them easy to ride over most terrains, even up and
down hills. This is the most common mountain bike
and it can be used with ease for riding on the path
or even commuting.

2. Downhill

These types of bikes are for serious bikers who
crave the ultimate adventure. Downhill bikes have
front and rear suspension, strong parts, and disc
brakes. Rarely available off the shelf, most riders
like to custom build their own.

3. Trials

Trail mountain biking involves a great degree of
skill and is classified as the precision riding of
the sport. Similiar to downhill bikes, trial riders
will often build their own bikes rather than purchase
one off a shelf. Generally very light and very
strong, these bikes require a lot of discipline.

4. Jump and slalom

Slalom and jump bikes are very strong and designed
for jumping, street racing, and slalom. They offer
a front suspension and use very strong components
dedicated to what they do. These bikes are very
popular with the sport of mountain biking.

Even if you are new to mountain biking, the sport can
be a lot of fun. There are several bikes to choose
from, all of which depend on your style. If you are
still looking for the best style for you, all you
have to do is try out several bikes and see which one
suites you the best.

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